This is the slogan that Marie Giroux has chosen to take her audience to Paris – into the streets and alleys, into the houses, hotels and centre of this unique european metropolis.
Paris – a complete world for itself. Marie Giroux tries to show that Paris has more tourist attractions than the Eiffel Tower or the Louvre Museum and her audience begins to realize how many other possibilities of enjoying the town there really exist.
With their music just as much as with their lyrics the two artists take their audience on an unusual sightseeing tour through the different areas of this wonderful town.
The Flair of the town becomes more and more vivid with each new chanson – and always in a different kind of way: Either there is a touch of irony or flirtation, or it is yearningly or perhaps filled with sadness, but of course sometimes also full of hope. You can hear songs about (mostly beautiful) girls or (handsome) men, their relationship to each other, their thoughts, their happiness or sufferings.
On this walk through the several parts of Paris you will not only listen to music about the town, but will also receive valuable tips about restaurants, ice cream-bars and many other things as for example the famous cabarets “Le chat noir” or “L’ ecluse” in the Quartier Latin. The diverse localities offer an opportunity for partly humorous, partly tragic anecdotes about well- known French singers of chansons.
You will have a chance of seeing the several points of this tour of Paris on a map of the town. The program starts from former singers of chansons like Satie or Poulenc to classical singers like Brel, Barbara, Aznavour or Piaf to at last the most interesting modern singers of this type of songs. Expect surprises even if you feel acquainted with Montmartre, Les Halles and all the rest of this fabulous capital.